
  We carry out considerately our activities to all the people who are concerned to our company.


  We raise the young people aspiring to be players in IT industry on the stage of activity,
  by making them participate as observers in our projects.

  We have a number of track records in the last year.


   act1    Business model construction
   act2    System  development
   act3    System  document maintenance
· The expense at the time of redevelopment is controlled.
· Internal control
· Business model construction

■How to

   System   document maintenance

   The requirement specification over the fundamental system in the company has the
   present condition that most has not changed.

   Then, maintaining the documents before a source programing in a systems
   development process becomes possible to omit some upstream operations(A,B,C,D),
   such as requirement specifications and requirement definitions, at the time of the
   redevelopment in future.

   Thereby, we can control the IT investment to minimum.

   A large amount of investment is required for the part of A to D in systems development.
   We can control IT investment by fixing the document of A to D process in the next
   system development.

■Development track record

  · Business model construction

          Construction and industrialization of a guarantor system
          *Patent acquisition

  · A major circulation company

          Its company system   DWHsystem

  · Broadcasting station

          netshopping   callcenter

  · Automaker

          Its company system  for  Materials management

  · Energy major company entrepreneur

          system  for  the amount monitoring of electricity use
                                        and energy diagnostics

■Company outline

· Company name
JINCorporation Ltd.

· Location
Head office
 Maruho Bld.10F, Nishi 2-4, Kita 2, Chuo-ku
 Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido, 060-0002, Japan
 TEL +81-11-206-8550
Tokyo office
 Parashion Hamamatsu-cho.806,
 Hamamatsu-cho 1-2-19, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to,
 105-0013, Japan
 TEL +81-3-6452-9857
Kansai office
 503, Tenjinbashi,
 1-14-15, Kita-ku, Osaka-si, Osaka-fu,
 530-0041, Japan
 TEL +81-6-6379-5900

mail  jin@jincorporation.net
Url   http://www.jincorporation.net

· Establishment
2006 / 9 / 5

· Capital
\10,000,000   Currency EN

· Representative director

· The number of employees
48    *2020/1 Time

· Business activity

System  consultation
System  development
System  document maintenance
Internal control introduction

Copyright ©JINcorporation Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.